In the spirit of the increasingly popular Movember, where specific attention is placed on men’s health and wellness in the month of November, it is important to highlight an aspect of mental health that is often overlooked. While awareness of postpartum depression in women is thankfully growing, paternal postnatal depression (PPND) is often overlooked or unheard of. Paternal postnatal depression can impact 1 in 10 men, which may not seem like a statistic requiring a sense of urgency. However the mental health and wellbeing of fathers is very important as it impacts not only the development of the child, but the overall wellness of the family.
Symptoms of PPND in men include
Tiredness, headaches and pain
Anger, anxiety and irritability
Decrease in libido
Appetite fluctuations
Feelings of being overwhelmed, out of control and unable to cope
Risk taking tendency
Changes to sleep patterns, especially a lack of sleep
Feelings of isolation and disconnection from partner, friends or family
Increased hours of work
Increased use of alcohol and other drugs
Risk Factors
History of depression
Martial/relationship conflict or dissatisfaction
Wife/partner’s diagnosis of postpartum depression
Lower socio-economic status
Feelings of exclusion between mother and baby connection
Minimal social support
Parental distress
PPND is temporary and treatable. If left untreated it can have long-term consequences for your emotional wellbeing, as well as for the child and the family as a whole. If you, or someone you know, is experiencing these symptoms, please reach out to a mental health professional trained in these issues.
View www.postpartummen.com and www.postpartum.net for more resources.